25 countries will participate on the 1st KWUEURO 2016
The 1st KWU European Championship for men and women in weight categories will be held in June 11th - 12th, 2016 in the capital of Serbia, Belgrade. The Supreme Judge of this tournament will be Ramil Gabbasov (Russia).
We have 176 fighters from 25 countries:
1. Austria - Kyokushin - kan 2. Armenia - KWF 3. Azerbaijan - Kyokushin-kan and Shinkyokushin 4. Belarus - Kyokushin - kan 5. Belgium - Shinkyokushin 6. Bulgaria - Kyokushin-kan and IFK 7. Great Britain - IFK 8. Germany – IFK, Kyokushin - kan, Shinkyokushin and All-Japan Union. 9. Israel - IFK 10. Ireland - IFK and KWF. 11. Spain - KWF and Shinkyokushin 12. Latvia - Josui International 13. Lithuania - Shinkyokushin 14. Poland - KWF and Shinkyokushin 15. Romania - KWF 16. Russia 17. Slovenia - Kyokushin - kan 18. Serbia - Kyokushin - kan and Matsushima 19. Turkey - KWF and IFK 20. Hungary – Shinkyokushin, IBK and Matsushima 21. Ukraine - Shinkyokushin, Kyokushin – kan, IFK 22. France - Shinkyokushin 23. Netherlands - IFK 24. Croatia - Kyokushin - kan 25. Sweden - Rengokai